Remember Realizing

Jack Burr
3 min readOct 9, 2022

The noise stops, the noise starts, then I forget about it. The noise stops, starts, then I forget about it. At some point I remember realizing it’s not quite a noise. At some point I remember realizing it’s…more of a feeling combined with noise. At some point I remember realizing it’s a feeling, and not a noise.

At some point I forget about it.

Then it starts again.

I’m flying through space. No, I don’t quite remember when this started but I don’t have the energy to worry about that now. If I question everything I won’t be moving at all.

Movement is good. If I’m not moving I’m not existing. And then I won’t remember anything. Then I’ll cease to exist.

And who wants to do that?

Bad question. I’ve wanted to do that. I was sure I wanted that. Can’t say why I never made the choice to end it. If I try thinking about that then I’ll eventually do it.

Let’s not do that.

I’m flying through space. Movement is good. Feels good. Looks cool. It’s fun. Movement is good.

Looks cool. Cool sights. I bet some folks would love to see what I’m seeing. I don’t know what I’m seeing. But it looks cool. Looks good.

Looks…divine, in a way.

I don’t remember when this started but movement is good. Feels good. Most folks would love this. Feels like I’m getting closer to God.

The noise starts.

At some point I realize the noise and the feeling are the same thing? Are they? They could be trying to trick me.

No. I remember. If I question everything, I’ll cease to exist.

I don’t want to do that.

The feeling starts. At some point I stop forgetting about it. It’s a pulse. It’s not stopping this time. Why?

It’s not quite a noise. It’s a feeling, and not a noise.

I’m flying through space. Movement is good. Keep going. I’d love to show you what I’m seeing. Getting closer to God.

At some point I realize I have the control. Have I been controlling it the entire time?

If I question everything, it’s all over. Keep going. Take control.

It’s a feeling. I have the control. I’m not going to end anything. Movement is good.

I don’t remember. I don’t need to. I’m getting closer to God. I’d love to show you what I’m seeing.

Come with me.

At some point, you remember realizing it’s a feeling. Don’t waste your energy. Keep moving. Don’t forget. Don’t let it stop.

We’re flying through space. Stay with me. You can trust me.

DON’T END IT. We can only go on.

I’m so glad I have you to share this with. Isn’t it incredible? They might try to trick us. Don’t doubt us. You can trust me. I trust you.

We’re flying through space. We’re going some place that nobody has been before. Leave them behind. They’re happy for us. This is it. This is what it’s all bout. We have the control. We’re not ending anything. This isn’t the end. The end is nowhere in sight!

The feeling’s slowing. We’re not flying now. We’re landing. We remember everything.

An eternity behind us, and we still remember.

Aren’t you glad we didn’t end it?

The noise is gone, the feeling is brand new.
There’s light, clean air, warmth all around. And, look. There they are. They’re here to greet us! They didn’t forget! They didn’t end it either! They saw what we saw, came to where we are now.

Doesn’t matter where we are. We’re closer, now, all of us. No more stopping and starting.

We never forgot. We went on. Aren’t you glad we had each other? Aren’t you proud that you kept control?

An eternity behind us.

Aren’t you glad we didn’t end it?

